Saturday, 31 July 2010

Bloody Hot

We measured the temperature at 64deg today although it’s all a bit hit and miss because we only have car temperatures and peoples watches to go by and they are not generally very accurate – however, I would like to say, publicly, that I think that today has been the hottest I have ever been, anywhere in the world, ever.

You're on trivial titbits tonight – whether you like it or not because I can't be bothered to think up a theme for the night !

We’ll start with the best bit – I’ve got a Snicker bar in the fridge ! I have moved down to site today and although I am in one of the scabbier cabins (which are, apparently, not worthy of fizzy drink and chocolate) I happened to be hanging around outside one of the posh cabins (which are, apparently, entitled to fizzy drink and chocolate) whilst the little man was filling the fridges with chocolate. I simply did what any white expatriate does in these circumstances – I asked him for a couple of bars with a big smile on my face ! Job done. Female boss ecstatic, Ianiepoos in everyone’s good books, life incredibly simple !

Whilst we’re on the subject of my good books, most of you will find this hard to believe, actually there are several things you are going to find hard to believe, like me being regarded as the level headed peace maker around here…….I know, I find that one hard to believe myself actually. Tracey will find the next one more difficult to believe than some of you, but today I heard myself being described as “always cheerful”. Hehe. I might need to discuss these insights too sides of my character that some of you were not previously aware of, with my wife first, but if it makes you any happier the poor woman got the short end of a grumpy I was having last night after I had posted on here (the one about inter office politics). To her eternal credit she let me rant, which was what I needed to do, talked some sense that I understood (with a little sympathy mixed in) and I was fine after that. Back top my old cheery self this morning !

I am quite glad I am down on site for a few days as I am getting a bit de-mob happy and being here will take my mind off it for a bit each day and get me through another sleep. I don’t actually know how long I am going to be here for but I have to be back on the COB on Sunday ready to Fly to Dubai on Monday (it sounds so simple when you say it like that !). The bad thing is that there is no gym and running round camp has been outlawed by the security boffins who seem to think we will get taken out by a sniper. These things all seem a bit far fetched to everyone (except people who can make more profit by providing more close protection security……but that’s just a cynical view and we shouldn’t take security lightly !). Besides, you don’t really need to run anywhere when the temperature is 147 deg C, you lose weight when you’re out in it, simply by breathing !

I was just wondering what photo’s to put in today’s blog and it reminded me that my new camera has arrived at home, which is jolly exciting I can tell you. I can’t wait to get back and start taking pictures of juniors pointing in France ready for coming back to site in September and getting on with some serious pointing !

I thought a couple of photos of my current environment for you today. The first is of my site office………..

And the second, taken from one of the guard towers, shows the prison walls behind which I am locked every night (to stop the snipers being able to see me). In the foreground of that picture (to the left) you can see the beginning of the slab being laid for the tennis courts and the 5-a-side football pitch. It will be interesting to be able to take pictures in a few months time and do before and after shots.

Oh, and whilst I think about it, the COB got hit by 13 rockets last night……I was on the phone at the time to Tracey and I remember saying that the cabin was rocking and that someone must be moving some furniture. Then I had to get up and go to the door to listen to the tanoy giving the all clear and I went back to the phone and remember saying to Tracey that the whole place smelt of smoke but there wasn’t anyone running about and no sirens so it must all be some kind of exercise. Apparently certain kinds of weather stops the Phalinx from spotting the incoming missiles and we just have to keep our heads down…….or carry on chatting to the wife as if you haven’t heard anything ! Several people slept through it as well, which is how I’d like to be when I’m hit by a rocket thank you very much !

Today’s inventory

3 cigars so far………..

0 units

$0 dollars

Weather – the hottest day of my life

Food – a Snickers bar in the fridge, cigar-snickers, cigar-snickers, lung cancer-heart disease, the agony of choice……..

Gym – no gym today, 30 each of press-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips and a sort of pull-up on the upper level of the bunk bed. And about 3 miles of walking in this heat. I have discovered that the Clients security company have got themselves a full set of weights under one of the guard towers (unless it’s the clients) and I shall have to make investigations in the morning……..

Countdown – 9 sleeps till Dubai and 10 till home !

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