First the dramatic statement – I’m writing this from the medical centre on a drip.
Now for the explanation – my “old” trouble returned last night which meant that when I finally dragged myself to the office this morning I had resigned myself to going to see the doctor. When peoples first words when they saw me were “God, you look rough” you know you have made the right decision.
Anyway, my medic bought me down here and I waited for the doctor to arrive. The medic made himself a cup of tea and tried to divert the receptionists attention so he could stock up his medical bag – apparently it’s a sort of medic practitioners game…….
The doctor arrived and started with the questions, the form filling, more questions, poking the stomach, blood pressure, the whole 9 yards (medical insurance is a wonderful thing). The upshot was, or is, you’re in here for the night Sonny Jim, so we can get your medicine in without it coming straight out again, and you’re dehydrated so you’re staying until we’ve pumped loads of stuff into you……well, the beds more comfy than mine – bloody hurts when they stick that thing into the back of your hand though !
I was feeling very sorry for myself until I found the Ethernet cable under the bed, so at least I can talk to people now.
I have spent most of the day fiddling with the internet having set everything up to listen to the GP qualifying on radio 5, turned it on to listen and then have it switched off by Bernie Bloody Ecclestone and replaced by some moronic programme about football because I wasn’t listening in the UK and it infringed some bloody licence or other. Anyway my ever faithful IT friend seems to have a solution for everything technical and has given me a couple of options to play with – nice man !
Nobody here seems the least bit shocked or surprised that I’m in here, I guess if it’s not an everyday thing at least it’s relatively normal. When my visitors were here they said I was the 6th one on the project (since June) to go down with something, although he wasn’t sure if he should count the guy in the drawing office in Dubai who had a heart attack………….
As I said, I had visitors this afternoon when two of my workmates came to see me when they got back from site – which was nice. It is weird though, and I am sure you have all had the same experience at some point, either as a patient or a visitor, as soon as you sit down you launch into whatever the subject of the day is but you can’t find anything to talk about after the first 5 minutes and there’s relief on all sides when it’s time to go. Still, it was nice seeing some familiar faces.
Today’s inventory
0 cigars – I didn’t bring any with me for some reason but I doubt it will do me any harm, and pushing this stupid stand thing around isn’t easy anyway !
$0 dollars – mind you, God knows how many dollars I’m racking up in here……thank the Lord for company health insurance !
0 units – and today of all days I could do with a stiff drink !
Weather – no idea but I’m guessing hot…..
Food – Chicken AND beef. The brought enough food to supply a small army, to me, a man with a stomach problem and not much appetite. I managed a bit but it wasn’t very long before I started to regret it. They came to me at about 4 just as my drip ran out to tell me that I couldn’t have the next lot of drugs until 6, and did I want them to take the needle out of the back of my hand until then, and then put it back – I can tell you that it’s not coming out until it doesn’t need to go back again !
Dinner was the same. I’m the only person in here so it shouldn’t be beyond the wit of man not to give a curry to someone with a stomach problem !
Gym – nothing today, thought I’d give it a rest for a day or two…….
Hey ho – fingers crossed for a good nights sleep and a cured tummy in the morning.
Time for bed said Zebardee…….boing
We are very gratefull that the finger pointing man is not pointing out the location of your troubles.