Saturday, 17 July 2010

A bit of a nothing day

Another boring day at the office

Today was one of those construction days (and if you’ve ever had an extension built or some major decorating project you’ll understand) when, despite the presence of lots of people and great big machines, nothing much seems to happen. We have spent the last few days watching a vast area being levelled, compacted, built up, levelled, compacted and built up again. This is all because, despite the obvious stories that I have been telling you about the weather, when it rains here it really rains in a hurry and the whole site has to be lifted so that the water will run off into the huge ditches that surround the site.

Anyway, today men with theodalites, tape measures and spray chalk have been marking out the areas where trenches are to be dug for sewage, power, water and other underground services, and towards the end of the Iraqi working day (which seems to fluctuate with the wind) a digger came out and started digging trenches. It didn’t seem like a lot had happened all day but I expect the normal level of chaos to be resumed tomorrow to keep us all occupied.

I happened to notice this tyre and wheel lying by the side of the site and I though you would all appreciate the workmanship that has gone into the repair……….

I had to go to another contractors lunch today as they all vie with each other (so it seems) to produce the most expansive, the most expensive and the most extravagant lunch in a portacabin, in the middle of the desert. My stomach, although settling down a bit now, didn’t want rich Iraqi food but we seem to have got into one of those cycles where we have to be seen to be equal to all contractors and it is very rude to refuse lunch. What I really wanted was something simple but it wasn’t to be. Fish was on the menu (see below). It’s a “local” fish and as Basra isn’t to far from the sea (about 15km from the port) I suppose that could be considered local – even though it had travelled about 100km to get to my table. It was very nice, as were all the other huge piles on offer but today my heart wasn’t in it. I’m actually looking forward to going back to the COB tomorrow night for a round of canteen food there, just as a change of scenery you understand (and because I miss their noodles !). I suppose both places have their merits but the prospect of 3 meals a day, 7 days a week for another 3 weeks is not worth thinking about !

Today’s inventory:

4 cigars – sounds bad but the last, and un-necessary one, was sat on the step outside my room with a Geordie and a Welshman just chatting, listening to the golf on Five Live – very pleasant !

0 Units

0 Dollars

Weather – The wind got up again today and whilst it is a welcome change from the searing heat you get with the unrelenting sun, it brings it’s own problems with the sand and dust that it blows around. I went outside the gate for a few minutes earlier this evening to take some pictures of Manhole Covers (as you do) and although it was getting dark it still felt as though somebody was blowing a hairdryer down my neck.

Gym – Still feeling a bit flaccid (on of the words we have developed into new meanings in some bored moments) but I have managed a few press-ups etc. mainly to prove to myself that I haven’t completely lost it by having 2 days off. I’ve given up with the no drugs approach and turned to Imodium for assistance so with a bit of luck we can get back to normal fairly shortly !

Food – I’ve probably said enough on the subject already today.

I’m back on the COB tomorrow and the internet there is actually worst than it is out in the desert so fingers crossed !

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