I remember thinking up a theme a little while ago about all the things I had brought with me that I didn’t need and all the things that I wished I had brought with me but didn’t realise I would need…….if you see what I mean. I think I mentioned it at some point but I’m to lazy to go back and have a look when it was, so you will just have to believe me (unless you want to go back and look and then let me know – they’ll be a small prize for anyone that does !)
Shouldn’t have brought
Top of the list of things I didn’t need is definitely the tie that I found at the bottom of my laptop bag, although to be fair, I’m not sure that it really counts, as although I brought it, and that cannot be denied, I didn’t know that I brought it – it stowed away so to speak, and I think that is the critical point m’lord……..
Second on the list is the jumper. This I knew I brought it but I didn’t know that I wouldn’t need it – however, I’m leaving it in the Gorilla Box because I knew I would need it but I just didn’t know when. It will cold at night in November and December I’m reliably informed, with temperatures dropping as low as freezing on odd occasions. This is probably borne out by the heater and the 2 blankets stashed in the wardrobe in the room.
Another thing, or things, that I haven’t really needed but would probably bring again, are all the DVD’s that I have brought to watch. There is a lot more to do here than you would imagine, what with sleeping, talking to the family on Skype and the internet. Who needs films ! I have watched a few episodes of Blackadder, a couple of the Godfathers and the Life Of Brian but I could probably have lived without them. I have a television in my room and in well over 4 weeks I have turned it on 3 times and one of those was to see what was on (nothing – those of you that complain that you have 300 hundred channels and they’re all rubbish, should have 300 channels in Arabic, then you’ll have something to complain about !). Having said all of that, I’ve just ordered the whole of the Father Ted collection from e-bay because I do think that once I’ve finally finished the Magic Mountain then I will have time to watch DVDs !
I’m sure there is some other crap laying around at the bottom of my bag that I shouldn’t have brought but it is so insignificant that I can’t even be bothered looking for it.
Should have brought
Marmite and gravy granules ! At home I live on toast and marmite for breakfast because I don’t drink milk, and if I ate bacon and eggs at every breakfast, I’d be the size of a house…….so perhaps someone could tell me why in Gods name did I think it would be any better in a Muslim country ? On the flip side however, I have gravitated back to porridge with sugar or honey. Whatever they make it with over here it isn’t real milk so it doesn’t effect my stomach – which is nice. The gravy thing really bugs me – there just isn’t any, ever. Sometimes there’s a sauce in which the beef or chicken is cooked but no gravy. For a man who likes a wet dinner, it’s a disaster – tonight you would have found me pouring spoonfuls of beef bourguignon sauce over my Sheppards pie and chips (I couldn’t resist it, sorry but I’ve got my appetite back and it feels like I haven’t eaten for a week – me thinks back to gentle gym tomorrow !).
I should have bought a camera to bring with me. It was agreed that the family camera should stay with the family and I had considered buying one at the airport, and then I thought it would be cheaper in Dubai where I never saw anything that remotely looked like a camera shop, in the airport or anywhere else for that matter. In the end I thought I could manage with my phone but I had brought the wrong lead with me to download pictures to my laptop (doh !). In the end I managed to borrow one of the firms (which I have to use to take pictures of site progress anyway, so it hasn’t been that big a problem after a while). I am about to buy one on line (…..darling….) and have it delivered to home for when I get back, so I can practice using it whilst we are in France on holiday. I have had time to do plenty of research into relative idiot proof photographic development (that the same as, “getting a better camera than the one I’ve already got, without spending too much money”, well, wasting too much money – but it doesn’t sound as good). Many thanks for my resident photographic genius……who’s actual words were something like “there’s more than enough features to keep you occupied” when I asked his advice on a particular model I was eying up.
I should have brought a day sack (you know, a little rucksack) or a little holdall to move things around in – this will be easily dealt with the next time because I shall only bring something like that back with me, whilst leaving the Gorilla Box here with all my Indiana Jones clothes in (I just thought of that analogy and I’m really rather pleased with it). I will probably dump the laptop bag as well, now the strap has broken and it looks like I am walking down the road with a briefcase (when I say road…….). I’ve got a laptop rucksack somewhere so I can just travel with the two small sacks – and I think we know a song about that don’t we children….
I think that’s enough things I should have brought although I’m sure I will think of something else at some point. There is one more category, which I shall try and keep brief for the moment but might come back to another day…….
Things that I brought which have been really useful.
My laptop, the webcam, my Piz Buin sunscreen, my cheap Decathlon sunglasses and my “trek mate” gadget thingy (it’s a tube of elasticated cloth, which you can make into various things: a hat, a scarf, a bandana etc but for me it has been fantastic as a sort of balaclava. I have been able to put it up over my head, ears, mouth and nose and with my sunglasses on I have been virtually safe from sandstorms - £10 from Blacks and a absolute bargain. I don’t know why I bought it but I’m bloody glad I did !).
Today’s inventory:
2 cigars (but I’m considering sitting on the step with one of my nice ones and celebrating my good health !)
0 dollars or units, or gym for that matter (although I think I might venture back tomorrow night……just don’t tell anyone)
Weather – started cool (which was a pleasant surprise) and then got f***ing hot this afternoon….luckily I was in an air-conditioned office cause I’m still confined to barracks until Saturday !
Food – nothing that I haven’t already mentioned
Countdown – we’re a few days away from single figure sleeps yet, so I think I will keep quiet for a few more days.
I meant to say a few days ago, sorry about the lack of Arabic but I’ve misplaced my book with all the packing and unpacking. It’s here somewhere and I’ll find it eventually – I promise. The same with photographs. This looks really boring without pictures but to be honest because I haven't been anywhere I haven't really seen anything to take pictures of........must try harder !
Nighty night, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite (like they do here………)
I must recommend this:
They are awesome, take photo, photo appears on your computer, magic ;-)
I loved it so much I got my mum one.