Sunday, 25 July 2010

The Day After Yesterday 2

When I typed yesterdays blog, I was lying in the medical centre with a drip hanging out of my hand (which doesn’t make typing easy I can tell you). This is the story of what happened next………

At 10.00pm the Doctor reappeared and took the drip out, which made life a little more comfortable. He presents me with my drugs for the next 5 days along with instructions (we did instructions several times because he is Nigerian, I’m guessing, and I’m not). “I will come and see you in the morning – do you want me to leave you a key” says he in a passing sort of way………”erm”…..says I, “I thought I was staying in overnight for observation”. This statement is largely ignored as he passes me a key and wanders off down the corridor with his bag under his arm. I want my money back !

There I am in the medical centre, all alone…….. which was a little odd really…….

The thick plottens:

Next morning I am woken by a colleague who has popped in on his way to the office – it’s 0700hrs and no sign of anyone (and I had forgotten to lock the front door so he just wandered around until he found me !). I got up, cleaned my teeth, got dressed, ate my breakfast (which was delivered from somewhere, although I know not where) and sat watching the telly until the Doctor arrived. Only the cleaners got there before him, at 0830hrs at which point I thought, sod this (I was feeling a little foolish at this point), I could be here all day at this rate – so I wandered back to my room, showered, changed and went to the office, and so beginneth the day after yesterday. More with a fizzle than a bang. I never did see anyone from the medical centre but they didn’t come and hunt me down so I suppose they at least had the right information to send someone a bill. It is worth noting though, if you’re ever in this neck of the woods, that you could rock up at the medical centre door, complain of something debilitating that needs observing, get three meals and a bed for the night and then wander off because at no point did anyone ask to see any ID or proof of what company I worked for, or anything……don’t say I never give you any useful tips !

Otherwise my day has been uneventful, with the usual Sunday office boredom which is exacerbated by not being able to go to site. Lots of people returned from rotation today, and more are due in tomorrow so the day is broken up by people coming and going, saying hello to friends etc. On the flip side, some are leaving tomorrow and I won’t see them for well over 6 weeks by the time I get back, and then they’ll be thinking about going again.

We did managed to by-pass the BBC’s iplayer restrictions on the internet and had the F1 GP on the wireless – which was nice, and then I came back to my room and channel hopped until I found the final stage of the Tour de France (with Arabic commentary) – which was funny (Go Cav !). Then out for a trip to the opera, a little light supper, a club and home to bed…….sorry, drifted off there for a minute – dinner and room for blog writing, a bit of “bookin”, the end of Godfather 2, some of my Magic Mountain and lights out by 9.30 I guess.

You never know though, several times since I have been here, friends have popped up from all over the place for a chat on either Facebook or Skype. Both of those have been a God send, especially for the family to chat live on webcams. The kids have enjoyed the chance to see Daddy (I had to go back and give myself a capital D then…..whatever was I thinking), usually lying on his bed semi-naked………I think Tracey has enjoyed those opportunities as well but she’s much to sensible to admit it !

Some acquaintances have emerged as friends as well which has been a pleasant diversion. Some friends have proved that they are friends and some friends have been much to busy…….who shall be getting a jolly stiff talking too when I get home, I can tell you !

Today’s inventory:

4 cigars – well, I was bored….what can I say

0 units – I think my stomach could do with a bloody great Brandy, just to settle it down, and whilst we’re on the subject, I wouldn’t like to add up the number of people who have mentioned red wine in their get well messages and got me wondering……..did I have some sort of reputation ?

$0 dollars

0 trips to the gym – I’m on short rations at the gym for a few days because as much good as it was doing some parts of my body I’m sure it wasn’t aiding recovery of other bits either

Weather – scorchio (again – tut)

Food – hospital food is crap the world over. The problem with that out here is that it’s just the same as most of the other meals we get…….which is a bit of a worry really.

Countdown – days to go…….coming soon !

My photo this evening is of the moon – as full as a great big full thing, not a cloud in sight and next to no light pollution. It just caught my eye as I came back from dinner.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you're poorly bad, hospitals sound the same the world over!
    Not bad hey two comments almost in a row!
