Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Tuesday 29th

I have had to start titling these with the day and the date because already I am forgetting what day it is - which is either a good sign that I am settling in, or a bad sign that I am already going doolally !

Today -3 cigars, no units, 6 litres of water and one trip to the gym........oh, and some "Threat Awareness Training".

Weather - bloody hot ! It's like walking through a fan oven.

Tomorrow - off to see my new office. That is a picture of it taken about a month ago. Now there is a full fence, ditch and wall all the way around it and living accommodation that will be occupied on Thursday by about 70 people. There's still accommodation for another 3000 people to be built - including all the various things you would associate with a large village in the middle of the desert (there's talk of a swimming pool at some point !)
You can just make out the first of the security ditches being dug in this one and the site offices in the background - and yes, it really is in the middle of nowhere........... The whole thing is about 1km x 1km so thats quite a lot of digging......

I'll see if I can get a picture of what it's like now but anyone can look at it on Google Earth if they want to. I suppose it depends on when the last time Google thought it was necessary to take a picture of the desert as to how up to date it will be. It will be an interesting exercise in trivia to be able to spot when they next update there system. I suspect "Streetview" is some way off

Tomorrow's trip should prove interesting travelling in an armoured convoy to get to work - you lot complaining about the tubes and the trains will never get any sympathy out of me after this !

Anyway - time for bed said Zebadee !

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