Thursday 2 September 2010

Our time is at an end


It's my sad duty to tell you that currently I will not be returning to Iraq. There have been changes at the project end and which results in there no longer being a role for me and therefore, and more importantly, there will be no more blog (well, probably no more blog).

I've enjoyed my time writing for you, and had had a long discussion with my family about the value of the blog, both to myself and to my family and friends, and it had been my intention to start a new one on my return to Iraq.

Whatever happens I will ensure (assuming it stays here) that I will keep you all updated by posting any links to new blogs on here as a final page.

Lastly, I have compiled a complete collection (as yet un-edited) of my ramblings over the past couple of months so if anyone wants to read the lot then let me know and we can discuss exactly how much red wine you will have to give me !

For now !